Nobel Laureate Frances Arnold in Chemistry
Today (3 Oct 2018) I woke to news of Caltech’s Frances Arnold winning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (along with 2 others) for evolution research. Around 9am I went to the chemistry main office at Caltech. In the corridor outside the Chair’s office is a wall with photos of 4 previous Nobel Laureates in chemistry from Caltech. Grubbs. Marcus. Zewail. Pauling. The photos are in a row across the wall.
Alas there is no room for a 5th photo. :(
I entered one of the offices and spoke to an administrator. I pointed in the direction of the corridor wall and said “You’ve got a problem with that wall.”
She laughed and immediately replied “We’re on it!”
Damn! I wanted to be the first to tell her. But even at 9am, someone else at Caltech had already twigged to it. People are sharp on campus.