Offshoring with mobile apps
Linket has a patent on Capacity and automated de-install of linket mobile apps with deep links. It uses linkets, which are labels like [Learn Math].
A woman called Jane might be a tutor and buy the linket [Learn Math], which is similar to buying the
webpage,, from Verisign or GoDaddy.
1. A linket is similar to a webpage
2. [Learn Math] is similar to
1. Domains are labels of websites.
2. A domain is used inside a URL to point to a webpage.
3. All this in a browser.
A linket: Goes from a mobile browser or app to a destination app.
A domain: Goes where the latter need not already be on the phone.
Jane is a math tutor in Madras. Bob is a student in Chicago.
Business use is where they arbitrage the cost of living between India and the United States.
1. An American who gives in-person tutoring can charge $50 an hour (or more).
2. Jane et al have to undercut this for remote tutoring.
3. Suppose she can charge $10 an hour
4. This is an upper middle class income in India. Via a person to person offshoring.
Bob searches on his phone browser app for math tutors
1. He gets a page of results. Most have standard URL links to other websites run by tutors. One result is
[Learn Math]
2. When Bob clicks it, a specific math app is searched for on his phone.
3. If not present, it is installed from the app store with his permission. He avoids a manual search of the
app store.
4. The app is started automatically and run in student mode
5. It connects to Jane App, which is running in tutor mode. Bob avoids a second search, inside the app,
to look for Jane.
6. They interact.
7. He pays her thru the app, which takes a commission and passes the rest to her.
8. If there are many tutors in the app, a linket points Bob Directly to Jane.
Bob connects directly to Jane, avoids advertising distraction and bypasses other tutors in the app.
Jane’s linket [learn Math] is a direct connection to all students.
What happens when Jane is not tutoring? Does she tell us (Linket Corp) to turn off her linket?
1. She can effectively tutor for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.
2. She recruits other tutors to take over shifts. Rahul and Dinesh, who are also in Madras
3. They each rotate on 8-hour teaching shifts.
4. Between the 3 tutors, they work Monday to Friday 24 hours.
5. Jane can also recruit 3 other tutors to cover the weekend.
(We are a self financed startup in Los Angeles, looking for investors.)